Is ordering through your online store secure?
Online we securely accept all major Credit Cards and offer PayPal checkout. Our online store is secured with a Web Server Certificate.
Transactions on the site are protected with up to 256-bit Secure Sockets Layer encryption.
Why do we require an email address to download our free guides?
First, we strive to offer accurate stats, however should we run across an inaccuracy we would like the opportunity to notify you of the error.
In addition, we would like to send you an email when new guides become available. And finally, it is a way for us to protect against excessive downloads from web crawlers and robots.
How will my email address be used?
Your email address will only be used to contact you should we find an inaccuracy in one of our guides or to notify you when new guides become available. Other than that, you will not hear from us! Your email will not be sold, traded or given to another company.
Will my email be kept private?
Yes, we respect your privacy and you can be assured that your email will not be sold, traded or given to another company. Further, your email will only be used by to notify you
of an inaccuracy in a previously downloaded guide or when we have a new guide available.